It kills me to think parents are so afraid of their kids that they resort to callin the fuckin cops. Listen to this story:

A young child has been accused of punching his mother in the face as she forced him to cut his game short on Sunday night and then fought with the police as they tried to restrain him. The parents told deputies that their son was playing Halo 3 late at night and they said he needed to turn it off, but the child refused to switch off the machine so his parents took action and the child went nuts and gave his mother a good thump.

Ok...I was raised by a Puerto Rican mother (do I need to continue?). If I even looked at her wrong let alone raise my hand at her over a video game It'd be the last you saw of me for at least a month (need time to heal).

Parents today man, harden the fuck up!!!!

Instead of doin this when your kid acts up:

maybe you should try this once in a while:



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