Karate Kid Remake

Author: RL

So...my man Fyfe hits me off with some news that Will Smith is remaking Karate Kid with his son Jaden Smith that played along with him in Pursuit of Happyness (which actually was a good movie). Also, the part of Mr. Miyagi is being played by none other than Jackie Chan.
Ok...now I'm tryin to put myself in Will Smith's shoes (pause...) and tryin to think of all the movies he could remake why he'd remake Karate Kid. The whole point of Karate Kid was that it was corny in an 80's sorta way (when corny was actually dope...gotta be an 80's kid to understand).
Being that this is more than likely going to be a horrible remake (like most remakes are) I figured the beginning selling points to trigger interest in movie should be:

A) Teaser trailer
B) Movie poster

Now I can't show you a teaser nor can I show any of Jackie Chan's techniques (pause...), but I did find an early movie poster for the movie which is due out possibly late'08- early'09:

RIP Pat Morita...this one's for you.


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